Shop Fitting Factors to Be Considered In Design of Shops

Needs of store owner for shop fitting

Every store or shop, serves one purpose – increasing the wealth of the store owner. It also helps customers find what they need. The shop fitting factors to be considered when designing a shop will involve the nature of the product as well as the magnitude of sales. However, a properly designed shop will help the customers find what they want in the least time possible.

Increasing sales volumes

  1. Keep fast moving items on the periphery: This shop fitting factor is vital to businesses. Customers do not waste time and the items move fast.
  2. Keep costly items in the interior of the shop: Customers who want to purchase silver and gold items, will willingly walk the extra yard to make their purchase. It also helps safe guard the items in case of attempted robberies or heists.
  3. Give options for movement of traffic according to price: People want to buy certain things first. Grocery shoppers will like to go directly to their vegetables. People who want to buy books do not like to stand among grocery items. Allotment of space is an important item in shop fitting. It keeps the traffic moving while keeping the customers happy.


Quickening the traffic movement

  1. Use color schemes: Color schemes help people make decisions. Red helps them decide fast, orange color helps them choose that color over other colors. Yellow helps draw the attention of the customers.
  2. Use good lanes: Do not cross the lanes of two high-volume traffic. If two sections have high volumes of customers, say grocery and stationery, then separate them to opposite sides of the store. This shop fitting technique will help ease the congestion and make the customers satisfied.
  3. Help customers by placing boards: Many-a-times, the customers do not find small items easily. Placing placards and boards to direct them to these small items is a good shop fitting technique.


Decrease the amount of rejections

  1. Help customers using shop assistants: Customers in a hurry will decide they will buy what they want elsewhere, if they do not find what they want easily. So, use shop assistants to help direct them to the correct places. This will reduce the amount of rejections.
  2. Give fast moving items priority: Place the fast moving items within easy reach. This will help you avoid making customers frustrated.


Help customers spend more money inside the store

This is very important. One way to do this is to place related items adjacent to each other. The customers will then buy if they see the item.

Another way is to keep the boards that announce discounts and through use of discount coupons. This shop fitting aspect must be used prominently.


Shop fitting factors that help augment proper design of shop

The method to shop fit your store to maximize sales and optimize space utilization is to follow the design principles. It helps reduce the tensions of guiding customers while the customers feel the ease of shopping pleasing.

Consideration of space

Use a circular design for your shop to decrease traffic congestion. The customers will find it easy to move around and locate what they want.

Another design that you could use is straight-in-and-straight-out design. This will help keep the traffic moving along.

Volume categorization

Give more space both for storing and for customers to purchase the high-demand items. Keep the small items that move occasionally on the outskirts where it will not block traffic.

Design your shop to meet the requirement of customers and the commodity with equal ease. Shop fitting factors should also include proper use of space and color to augment sales and increase customer satisfaction. Be sure to cut your cloth according to your need, keep the space and volumes well balanced, so that there is enough material and enough customers to buy the material.



04/09/2015 16:59
04/09/2015 16:58